90 Day
Body & Mind
Transformation Program

Specifically designed for women over 40

Work with Me 1-2-1

Limited spaces available!

If you are a woman over 40 who is struggling with age related weight gain, maybe you are going through perimenopause or menopause then this program is for you. As soon as you start the program you will begin to balance your hormones, lose weight (including belly fat) and have more energy so you can feel happy and confident in your body for life! This is no ordinary weight loss program, this is a system for life that will change your life!

Yes you can have more energy and feel confident in your body at any age,
even after age 40, through perimenopause, menopause and beyond!
Not only will I show you how you can get in shape,
but I will teach you through my masterclass series
how you can maintain your body for the rest of your life!

When we know "how to" we can then make the right choices and get the results we want!

Hi, I'm

Louise Pettafor

I am 50 years young, Mum of 3 and I AM A MENOPAUSAL BAD ASS!

I have no time for the negativity that is imposed on women as we age, you will see me ROAR!

I am rewriting my menopause to be exactly what I want it to be, not just for me but to inspire other women to feel empowered through their own experience of getting older.

We are queens and it's time to get our life on track once and for all and be the person we were destined to be.

I am on a mission to help as many women I can to regain control of their body and live life on their terms, it is my passion and I believe this to be my life's purpose! 

Book a call with me!

I love to help women achieve their goals and can offer you help and support to finding the course or program that is right for you, so you can begin your journey to achieving your dream body!

Hi, I'm

Louise Pettafor

I am 50 years young, Mum of 3 and I AM A MENOPAUSAL BAD ASS!
I have no time for the negativity that is imposed on women as we age, you will see me ROAR!
I am rewriting my menopause to be exactly what I want it to be, not just for me but to inspire other women to feel empowered through their own experience of getting older.
We are queens and it's time to get our life on track once and for all and be the person we were destined to be.
I am on a mission to help as many women I can to regain control of their body and live life on their terms, it is my passion and I believe this to be my life's purpose!

"My 90 Day HEAT Body & Mind Transformation" Program is
awesome and here is why.

The 4 Pillars!




From your first day you will begin to balance your metabolic hormones to really boost your metabolism and get your body in fat burning mode.  This part of my program is key to your success with many women experiencing significant fat loss starting from their first week! 

You will also learn how you can support your hormonal balance as you age right through your peri/menopausal years and maintain your dream body.

Do you feel like you've been driving around in the dark, not knowing where to turn? I have two educational series lined up for you that will turn on the headlights so you can see clearly what is happening with your hormones and how you can support your body through these normal changes with proven, effective nutrition and exercise strategies.



Exercise for fat loss whilst maintaining your muscle mass with scientifically proven methods!  You will begin my 90 day Burn Fat & Sculpt a Lean Body program that will meet you where you are at today. 

The beauty of this program is that it meets the needs of all fitness abilities.  I coach you throughout the whole process and guide you to where you need to start. 

New to exercise?  I've got you! We start gently and all the exercise sessions are rest based meaning you take things at your pace.

Super fit and need to be pushed?  I've got you too!  You will start at a higher level and work at a higher intensity and I show you exactly how.



When trying to lose weight, the science shows us nutrition is key! 

The nutrition plan I have for you works.  Not through deprivation and calorie counting but because it supports the hormonal response in your body so you burn fat not store fat.  You will eat real food, food that tastes good and doesn't leave you hungry tired and depressed.  You will also be assessed for your metabolic fuel burner type and learn a new system that teaches you how you can maintain your dream body for life without ever needing to go on a diet again.



Not only will you transform your body, you will transform your mind and empower you in so many ways.

My mindset transformation program takes you on a journey of YOU.  As you go through this program you will connect with your deep motivators, discover your why, identify and  overcome limiting beliefs and build strategies that will move you closer to your goals every day.

Once you have the right mindset you will see how effortless it is to reach your goals in all aspects of your life!

I am on a mission to reach out and help as many women as I can who are struggling with age related weight gain, going through perimenopause, menopause and post menopause to regain control of their body and live life on their terms. 

This is my passion and my life's purpose.

Louise has been the driving force for my body transformation and really helped me stay focused to achieve my goals.  Sarah

I lost inches and weight!

Louise has a friendly, professional approach and her knowledge is amazing!  I would highly recommend Louise and her program.  Penny

Scroll Down For More Testimonials!

I’ve learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t.

Here's me.  Yes, a fitness and health professional, 47 at the time of this photo, perimenopausal, struggling with hormonal weight gain and my mindset was not in a good place.  I'm not embarrassed to share this with you, in fact, I am so grateful to have experienced this as I know first hand what it feels like to be older (I am now 50) and not be able to shift the weight.  I have a deeper understanding of what my clients are going through.

It actually got a whole lost worse as 2 days after the first picture was taken in January 2020, I had a full abdominal hysterectomy and oophorectomy (ovaries removed).  So I immediately went in to surgical menopause and I stopped producing hormones and I continued to put on more weight (I stopped taking photos by then).   My self esteem was at an all time low, I didn't feel sexy and I never felt comfortable in my clothes.  I lost confidence and was beginning to feel VERY unhappy.  I wasn't living my best life and I just didn't feel like me.

Then came that first lock down and me and my husband made up a little challenge.  Fit in lock down! It was great, I was pretty much recovered from my operation by then and I was full of motivation to get my fitness back.  So we started training together BUT it was like hitting a brick wall over and over again and again.  I felt like I was up against a body that was just not listening!

I nearly gave up!  We had been doing our challenge for about 6 weeks and I remember being out on a run and tears streaming down my face whilst running because I didn't feel like I was getting any stronger and I still hadn't lost any weight.  I thought is this it?  Have things really changed this much?  Will I have to wear those horrible stretchy jeggins forever!

Thankfully I didn't give up but in that moment of despair I found my strength.  I knew I wanted more.  I knew I wanted to wear one of my gorgeous fitted dresses again and feel sexy on a night out with my husband.  I wanted to be able to enjoy wearing nice clothes and a bikini on holiday. Jeez, I just wanted to fit in my jeans and not feel like a squashed sausage. I wanted my life back so I could be enjoy being me.

Que, my light bulb moment and then, responsibility.....

There I was, trying to lose weight and get fit but guess what?  I wasn't following my own advice!  This great little challenge we were doing was something we could do together but it wasn't what I needed to do to lose the weight I had put on.  Why was I not doing what I coach my very own clients?!  Through my extensive learning about the female metabolism and hormonal changes, I know only too well that females need to take a different approach but here I was falling back into an eat less, exercise more mentality!  I made a plan and started practicing what I coach.  I coached myself my own system and I took responsibility for putting it in to action.

Breakthrough!  As soon as I put my system in place, things started happening.  I finally began losing fat, building muscle and I have to say, feeling amazing as my energy sky rocketed, I had no more brain fog and my mood improved so much, yey!

You see, when you do what you need to do things change.  I needed to do what was necessary to support my hormonal balance, exercise for fat loss, nutrition that supports metabolic hormonal balance.  I also needed to get my mind right and let me tell you that when you get your mind right there is nothing you can't do.

I took responsibility for making things happen.  I made a commitment to showing up for me everyday.  This is where the magic happens.  Showing up for you everyday, whether that is to go for a walk,  manage your stress and have a candle lit bath, prepare a healthy meal or do some exercise, being consistent in your self care is all you need and my system shows you exactly what you need to do.

Just because we get older, it doesn't mean we become less beautiful, less worthy of the life we desire or to not enjoy being fit or feeling sexy and attractive.

It's time to step into your power.  Time to step in to your life.  It's time to be a queen.

"Louise made me feel so welcome and is such an amazing coach"

"Thank you Louise for helping me to not fear going through these changes, in fact to embrace them and feel fantastic and sexy again"

Things are different for us as we get older. It's not so easy to lose weight so we need to take a different approach. My system does exactly that!

There is a big difference between following a low calorie diet whilst doing lots of cardio to lose weight and following a system that WORKS. 

The traditional eat less exercise more model for weight loss is not only miserable to follow and unsustainable but it can cause long-term damage to the metabolism and the weight you are losing is not just from fat but also from muscle.

Things change for women as we get older and it becomes more difficult to maintain or lose weight.  This is especially true for women past the age of 35 as our hormones change, making the need for us to do things differently to accommodate the changes.My system works by shifting your body from fat storing mode to fat burning mode through a science based system so you can easily move towards having your dream body.

There are so many fad diets out there making false claims and not delivering the results they promise. There is no magic pill, cream or tea that will melt away fat from the body.  These companies prey on the insecurities of women and their products are mostly stimulants that cause a constant release of stress hormones.  The only thing that will work long-term is to learn how to support your body so that you can be healthy and lose weight without damaging your metabolism.

How is this program different from other fitness programs or challenges? It depends what you are looking forif you are looking for a kick start then a fitness challenge is probably going to do just that.  It will get you going and they do have their place.  I run them myself occasionally.  But, if you are looking to change your life for good and learn how you can support your hormonal balance, eat food that tastes good and supports your fat loss or weight maintenance then you are in the right place.  You will never need to diet again as you will have your own system you can follow for life.

Book a call with me!

I love to help women achieve their goals and can offer you help and support to finding the course or program that is right for you, so you can begin your journey to achieving your dream body!



My program solves a very specific set of problems experienced by women who are struggling with age related weight gain.  As we get older our hormones change and this change means we need to have a different approach.  My system teaches you how you can support your body through these natural changes so you can have, not only the body your desire but to live a healthy fulfilling life that is no longer at the mercy of your changing hormones.  The women who have taken part in my programs lose weight and inches from their body as well as seeing a huge reduction in some of the common perimenoausal and menopausal symptoms.


My aim is to empower you with knowledge so you learn everything you need to know that will serve you well throughout the rest of your life.  Most personal trainers and gyms only provide you with a program to follow because they want you to keep coming back for more on a long-term basis.  These sessions have their place but they do not provide you with the tools you need and sadly a lot of trainers are using methods of training that are only suitable for men or for women in their younger years. I have spent the last couple of years developing this program that meets the needs of women who are going through hormonal changes. I truly believe I can give you the tools you need for life.


I will take you on a journey through my system with a step-by-step approach. 

I’ll walk you through every section with videos that clearly explain everything and high quality resources created with you in mind.

This system has been designed to make it as easy as possible without taking up too much of your time.


Most online courses have way too much content crammed into way too long videos. I understand how busy us women are and have designed this program with you in mind.

In addition, the exercise program has been created to meet you where you are with clear direction for where you should begin.  Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, my program will meet you where you are right now with a clear path for progression over the 90 days whilst you are on the program.

Book a call with me!

I love to help women achieve their goals and can offer you help and support to finding the course or program that is right for you, so you can begin your journey to achieving your dream body!


When we put on weight, it is not only due to how much exercise we do or what we eat.  Especially when we are older.  Gaining weight can also be contributed to the changes in our female hormones estrogen and progesterone and how that impacts our metabolic hormones and by following my system you will start balancing these hormones from the very start.


Brain fog is reported by almost every woman I talk to as a symptom they are experiencing before joining my program.  All of the women who have completed this program have seen massive improvements in brain fog, leading to better concentration and clarity of mind.


It's fair to say all three of these symptoms have a knock on effect from each other.  These symptoms are commonly reported as menopausal symptoms by many women.  Every woman who has completed this program has seen improvements in all three.  This system works and you will start to see improvements in very little time.  


Let me show you how you can lose weight, feel great, break free from the diet trap, whilst still having a life.


Just because we get older doesn't mean we lose our sex appeal.  We are sensual beings and can continue though life feeling confident and sexy at any age.  Don't ever let anyone tell you anything different. 

The "90 Day HEAT Body & Mind Transformation Program" is
offered over 90 Days in 3 phases.

Each phase is released every 30 days, includes videos and high quality downloadable resources so you can get started straight away.

You'll be experiencing an engaging online experience as you begin your journey to your dream body and I will be with you every step of the way.

90 Days/12 Weeks

Video Lessons


Facebook Group

Excellent Support


Metabolic Reset & Detox Nutrition Progam!

How my program gets YOU results!

You will start the program with a plan that will balance your metabolic hormones, detox your body from sugar and toxins, boost your metabolism and support detoxification pathways of your body.  It is incredibly difficult to lose unwanted pounds when the body is holding on to toxins despite what diet and exercise regime you are following.

How my program gets YOU results!

You will be assessed on your metabolic fuel burner type where you will discover a truly liberating way of losing unwanted pounds and maintaining your weight for life.  No calorie counting and yes you can still enjoy your favorite foods and carbohydrates in moderation.  This plan teaches you how you can maintain a lean body for life that is sustainable and it will free you from the diet mindset.

How my program gets YOU results!

You will learn the underpinning facts for why females struggle with weight gain as we age and how you can implement my system for amazing results.  Results you can enjoy for life!


Burn Fat & Sculpt a Lean Body Program

How my program gets YOU results!

Effective exercise for fat loss!  You will burn fat with every session as you generate fat burning hormones that will keep your body burning fat even after your workout has finished.  Each session is a short 20 minutes and that includes the warm up!  Suitable for even the busiest women.

How my program gets YOU results!

As women age, it becomes so important that they maintain their muscle mass.  Muscle mass declines as we age as part of the normal aging process and this can be exasperated by long duration cardio and low calorie diets.  The traditional eat less exercise more model for weight loss has led to many women losing muscle mass and having long-term damage to their metabolism.  My program generates the right mix of fat burning hormones that maintain your muscle mass and support muscle growth.  

How my program gets YOU results!

My program has been designed to meet you where you are now.  If you are new to exercise then don't worry there is a starting point for you to gently build up your fitness and even on the high intensity workouts you will find adaptations and you get to rest as much as needed.  You even get to rest as you have one rule to follow, "work until you cant and rest until you can"!  If you are super fit, I have your back too with a different entry point and progressions that will keep you working at the right intensity so you generate fat burning hormones.


Mindset Transformation Program!

How my program gets YOU results!

As soon as you begin, you will go through the mindset transformation program.  You will watch a video lesson and complete simple tasks that focus on what you want and why you want it.  This process allows you to get your mind right and uncover deep powerful motivators helping you to move closer to your goals with ease.  Flip negative thinking of I have to or I can't do to I want to or I can do....I choose to.

How my program gets YOU results!

You will identify and learn specific techniques to overcome limiting beliefs that hold you back from achieving your goals.  This can have a profound effect on all areas of your life with many women making huge mindset shifts during the process.

How my program gets YOU results!

Develop mindset strategies that will serve you for life.  This is perhaps the most important part of the program.  If your mind is right there is no limit to what you can achieve.


Masterclass Series
Hormones, Aging and Feeling Sexy!

How my program gets YOU results!

So many women are at a complete loss, fighting a losing battle with their body.  This series lifts the lid on all the confusion surrounding the changes we go through as we age and why it becomes so difficult to maintain our weight.  You will learn about the hormonal changes taking place throughout the menstrual cycle, how our hormones change through perimenopause and menopause and how that leads to unexplained weight gain commonly experienced by many of us women.  You will also learn the best way to support your body through these changes so you can have a lean body for life!  When we know why and then how we can offset the changes we become masters of our destiny or should I say queens of our life journey.


Masterclass Series Nutrition and how to have a lean body for life!

How my program gets YOU results!

Here you will learn all the nutritional foundations you need to support your body, your hormonal balance and how to monitor your progress.  Tools you can use for life. There is no magic formula, no sins or radical cabbage soup to drink, everything is based on my science backed formula in a way you can understand, no one has ever put the information together so we just don't know.  Here we demystify the confusion on carbohydrates, fats and protein.  You will also learn why we become less tolerant to carbohydrates as we age and why they need to be managed in a way that fits your individual metabolic fuel burner type.


Are you ready?

You'll get these Bonuses!

Get £150 worth of Bonuses FREE after your first 30 days!


Stress Management Program

Managing stress is an integral part of balancing our hormones, especially as when we approach our older years.  We become more sensitive to stress due to the changes in our estrogen and progesterone as we age and the impact that has on our stress and metabolic hormones.


Sleep Management Program

Understand how important sleep is for maintaining a lean body and the relationship between stress and sleep.

Many of us view sleep as something that is not important to succeeding in life, when in fact it is probably the most important thing to prioritise for our health, well-being and maintaining a lean body.


Low Carb Recipe Pack

I am giving away my low carb recipe pack, packed with delicious recipes for you to enjoy.  As we age we become less tolerant to carbohydrates due to the change in our estrogen and how this impacts our metabolic hormones.  You will learn more about this on the program and although we do not need to cut out carbohydrates, we do need to manage them.  This pack contains shopping lists, a meal plan and delicious recipes to help you on your journey.

E X T R A   H E A D I N G

You'll also get: 


You will have access to bonus material exclusive only to those who book this program.


You have the opportunity to join like minded women in a Facebook group exclusive to women who have enrolled on this program.


I will be with you every step of the way and you have the option to book 1-2-1 coaching with me as part of this program.

Trusted by 100's of women

Let me help you too!

Take a look at what other women are saying!


Katie Batie

I have always struggled with my weight and as I hit 40 my hormones were all over the place!

Louise made me feel so welcome and was such an amazing coach, so friendly and informative.

I absolutely changed my whole understanding and perspective of food, exercise and how I could support my body to balance my hormones.

Working with Louise gave me the tools and support to feel and look the best I could even after 40!

Thank you Louise for helping me to not fear going through perimenopause changes, in fact to embrace them and feel fantastic and sexy again!

Penny Aspinall

I recently did the nutrition plan and mindset transformation program with Louise.

The plan was very easy to follow even though there was a lot to learn.

I am so happy with the results which are maintainable.

I lost inches and weight!

Louise has a friendly, professional approach and her knowledge is amazing!

I would highly recommend Louise and her program.

Sarah Williams

I’ve been working with Louise since 2015 in group fitness classes as well as online PT.

I'm always amazed at the diversity of training Louise can offer as well as in-depth, tailored, health and nutrition plans filled with information to suit my body type and hormonal needs.

Louise has been the driving force for my body transformation and really helped me stay focused to achieve my goals.

Mentally, she has given me the confidence to get out of my comfort zone, push myself and find the fun in exercise.

As a result, my weight loss and body fat percentage has lowered considerably. Knowing which foods to eat and when, to achieve my goals has been invaluable advice!

All the PT and classes I've attended have been really fun, engaging and enjoyable. It's so easy to get distracted by all the 'noise' that's out there in terms of workouts and nutritional advice; but Louise clears away all that 'noise' and gives me everything I need, from fat burning HIIT workouts to carefully crafted nutritional plans.

Another great thing is that I can access all the information 24/7 on her online  platform!

I’ve never felt better in my own skin and I cannot recommend Louise enough!

Karen Giannini

​I had the pleasure working with Louise for 11 years and have the greatest respect for her professionalism and commitment to providing an exceptional service.

She always strives to ensure her clients have the best possible experience and get the results they aspire to.

Louise's approach to personal training and female fat loss comes from a sound educational background, which stands her apart from many other PT's.

Not only does Louise have an excellent knowledge of training methods; her depth of understanding in hormonal function and nutritional strategies, specifically for women enable Louise to provide a bespoke service to each woman she trains.

The results she has achieved have been effective and consistent. If you want to understand the why and how of female fat loss, go to Louise.

You will come away with an improved body shape and armed with knowledge of how your body works!

Specialist Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Sciences and Personal Trainer


© Copyright 2020  All Rights Reserved by Louise Pettafor 2020

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